Pierce Creative Arts Elementary
1101 W. Vernon Drive
Flint, Michigan 48503
Dr. Shamarion Grace, Principal
School Begins: 7:50 a.m. Dismissal: 2:40 p.m.
Welcome to the 2023-24 school year. We want to update our parents and guardians about changes and additions to the school year. We will enclose a school calendar. If you like you can go online and get information, please go to: We try to update the site weekly with new information.
Pierce has a long tradition of work with our Parent Group. The group meets monthly and raises money for needed school items. Playground equipment and clothing for students are just two examples. This has been their major focus for the past five years. We invite you to get involved.
We understand that things happen in our everyday lives with cars and sick children. There are some students who are late on a daily basis. These tardies add up and will result in a half day absence for every 5 tardies. A student's attendance may also be affected when he or she is picked up early. Please, as a parent, do everything you can to get your child to school on time. The school day begins at 7:50 a.m. Breakfast is served daily, Mon-Fri, beginning at 7:40 a.m.
Please remember not to park on Vernon Drive, if you are coming to drop off or pick up a student. There are numerous no parking signs and the Flint Police Department does patrol periodically around drop off and arrival times in the morning. Please obey the signs and only park on the side streets or in the south parking lot.
PLEASE!!!!!PLEASE!!!!!! PLEASE!!!!! Drive slowly in the parking lot. There are students leaving and entering the building through that area. It is up to us adults to have an extra set of eyes and ears watching to protect our children.
Pierce has a strict anti-bullying program and will not tolerate bullying of any kind. Please talk with your children and explain what bullying is. (Ex., name calling, hitting,, fighting, etc.,) If they are experiencing any type of bullying, please tell them to tell an adult immediately. Flint community schools has an anti-bullying hotline phone number (810) 391-3989 and is staffed by a district employee from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday. If calls are made outside of this time frame, anyone may leave a voice mail message and a return call will be made on the next regular school day. Please be willing to give or leave enough information to begin an investigation, but anonymous calls and complaints will also be accepted.
Questions And Comments
Please feel free to or contact (810) 767-8250 at Pierce if you have any questions or concerns.
Breakfast and lunch are served daily. After students eat breakfast or lunch, they go outside on the playground (weather permitting). Pierce has Lunch Aides who supervise the children during this time. Please make sure students are dressed appropriately for the weather, especially during the winter season. Please make sure to send gloves, hats, boots, etc.
The Free and Reduced Lunch Application must be filled out and returned to the main office as soon as possible. An application must be on file for all Pierce students.
Pierce has two busses each day which drop off and pick up students. The district has implemented policies/procedures as it relates to bussing and the safety of the children. If your child is attending Pierce on a Transfer Permit, bussing will not be an available option. ALL STUDENTS ON A TRANSFER PERMIT MUST BE TRANSPORTED TO PIERCE.
We welcome any questions you have about bussing and want the bus ride to be SAFE for all students. If you have questions, please contact Transportation at 810-760-1317.
When dropping off students at the Main Building, please use the Brookside entrance. When exiting, please use the Vernon Drive exit.
If you are coming into the school. There are signs every 10 feet that tell us all this is a bussing zone and no parking is permitted. You are welcome to parking in the parking lot or on a side street.
Please Please Please Please Please Please Please
Drive slowly in the parking lot. Please watch students entering and leaving the parking lots. Look carefully when backing up
We want parents to feel welcome at Pierce but for the safety of our students and staff we ask that parents check in with the main office and obtain a visitor pass before entering the lunchroom or visiting classrooms.
Our Dress Code Policy is as follows:
Shirts - white, red, blue or yellow collard shirts.
Pants/Shorts - blue, black or khaki. Pants must be affixed at the waist and shorts must reach the top of the knee.
Skirts/Jumpers - blue, black or khaki and must reach the top of the knee.
Sweaters - may be worn.
The following are not acceptable:
Basketball shorts
Jeans, any color
Leggins, when worn as pants
Printed Tees
Jackets and Hoodies, will not be permitted to be worn in classrooms.
Flip-flops or slippers
See Mrs. Hill if you are in need of uniform assistance.
*Please note that a request for uniform assistance is not a guarantee that assistance will be available.
Please feel free to e-mail Shamarion Grace or contact me at 810-760-8250 if you have any comments or concerns.
Thank you and I look forward to working with you for the success of our children.
Dr. Shamarion Grace